Hello to all and welcome to my ICO review . For those of
you who don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Funke and
I'm an experienced writer who enjoys what he does very much. I'm here
to give you all the information you might need or want about the First
Blockchain CRYPTOAGRO based currency. I plan to make them “easy read, to
the point” because what's important to me is that we all comprehend and
absorb the information and actually want to be here learning together
about something new.
Today, let us all learn and experience together all about GREENBIT. If you don't know anything about them, don't run away, that's why I'm here, to change that within the next few minutes. Before I begin, I just want to quickly mention that I will be including LINKS so that YOU can do your own research or whatever you feel you need. I feel it's best to have all of the information in one place, in an organised manner, rather than dotted about the page making what you want hard to find or confusing. All these links will be put at the BOTTOM of this page to keep things easy.
Today, let us all learn and experience together all about GREENBIT. If you don't know anything about them, don't run away, that's why I'm here, to change that within the next few minutes. Before I begin, I just want to quickly mention that I will be including LINKS so that YOU can do your own research or whatever you feel you need. I feel it's best to have all of the information in one place, in an organised manner, rather than dotted about the page making what you want hard to find or confusing. All these links will be put at the BOTTOM of this page to keep things easy.
GREENBIT is the first CRYPTOAGRO Blockchain currency, a decentralized market for Farmers, Traders, Groceries, Joint and Consumer Industries, with unique Ecosystem and physical entity trading on the world’s most traded agricultural commodities with over one billion employees. GREENBIT provides a decentralized payment system that can transfer these values regardless of boarder differences. VISION
The GREENBIT Vision is to uniquely create value that attracts rewards through the use of decentralized, fully secured investments and a distinctive one-world, one currency and one agro trade platform.
Greenbit is a platform and network for full facilitation process in the following contracts and transactions;
Exchange of goods/products/values and services
Trading of currencies and commodities
Exchange of fiat currencies to crypto currencies
Running of portfolio on Virtual Farm investment options
Exchange of crypto-currencies
Executing consistent upward drive in GREENBIT coin value
Attracting huge investment pool for expansion
The GREENBIT goal is to create the principal decentralized agro-marketplace used by global citizens by maintaining a thriving ecosystem of users willing to buy everyday products and carry out speedy, easy and secured transactions at lower prices and, manufacturers looking to sell directly and surpass existing retail chains. GREENBIT role is to develop the open source technology required for running the platform and to create a successful model to incentivize all investors/sponsors/partners/participants. http://www.greenbit.in/
GREENBIT is focused on solving the ineffective transactions space and process, costly and outdated agricultural trade systems practice, significant trade investments not getting to farmers and agro merchants and manufacturer’s sales.
The first step that Greenbit decides to put forward is by sharing the knowledge to the customers about the different options of investments and the possible methods of payment regulations.
Also, it will acknowledge the involved members of the instant and fast payments and transactions they can make using cryptos. The smartphone application will look forward to take care of all the needs like transfers, payments, and exchanges.
And finally, it will ensure that no party bears any loss and get the best deals every time. To keep the consumers and clients involved, it also aims to hold different programs for loyalty and cashback for making transactions.
Few of the important features of the platform are: The Central Farm Network which provides a safe place to the traders and providers. Secondly, the platform is swift and shows its efficiency alongside. Third, it ensures to handle million transactions/second which makes it robust and scalable.
I am going to get straight to the point of who they are since this is such an important factor, as I like to put it, “The Brains behind GREENBIT”. If the team behind the product or service in question haven't the resources or knowledge, then we know the product or service delivered will possibly not have the quality it should have. We need to know two very important things when we look at a new starting up company:
Who are the people/team behind this?
What experience and knowledge do they possess?
Okay, so, because I've already done all the research needed beforehand and thoroughly GREENBIT I can very happily confirm that this company has a fabulous team onboard. Here they are:

Dale Klonis: Founder
Igor Bonderenko: Co-Founder
Ele Morgan: Cybernetic Economics
Catherine Morgan: CPO
This is a secure trading platform for merchants and value chain service providers. The Central Farm Network, as a matter of steady growth in society and its valuations, replicates worldwide agricultural assets based on the sound spectrum of society and market speculation.
Use direct payment channels to transfer values in milliseconds. Successful transactions are never more efficient because every block in Greenbit can become Hypercube Routing to help speed, making the structure very flexible.
Agro-ally markets are the most heavily traded markets. Therefore, it can handle millions of secured transactions per second. Thanks to the unique Multi Greenbit Architecture.
The functioning nodes only do useful work, maximize efficiency and, every block in the Greenbit TON can become Greenbit itself making the structure very accessible and flexible.

Proposed Uѕеrѕ оf GREENBIT
Agro-Allied Induѕtriеѕ, Eateries, Phаrmасеutiсаlѕ, Fаrmеrѕ, Stоrеѕ, Individuаl Token Hоldеrѕ, Trаdеrѕ, Other Prоfitаblе Invеѕtоrѕ.
40% from GREENBIT’s transaction profit (uѕеrѕ/mеrсhаntѕ/invеѕtоrѕ соmmiѕѕiоn) will bе uѕеd to thаnk оur GREENBIT tоkеn-hоldеrѕ аnd thе most асtivе uѕеrѕ thrоugh the асԛuiѕitiоn diѕtributiоn of GREENBIT tоkеnѕ viа a monthly lоуаltу fund (MLF) аnd аnnuаl profit diѕtributiоn.
60% of thе Central Farm Network and full GREENBIT рlаtfоrm profit will bе рlоughеd back intо thе ѕуѕtеm to build momentum аnd turbо-сhаrgе Tоkеn/Cоin value аnd invеѕtmеnt profitability оvеr timе. Aсԛuirеd GREENBIT tokens аrе divided bеtwееn еxiѕting tоkеn-hоldеrѕ, depending оn thеir GREENBIT bank uѕаgе. MLF rеfilling аnd аnnuаl profit diѕtributiоn аlѕо сrеаtеѕ соnѕtаnt demand fоr GREENBIT tоkеnѕ.

I hope you have enjoyed today's review and my company along the way. Thanks for taking the time and will hopefully see you all in the next one.
For more information, please visit:
Website: http://www.greenbit.in/
Whitepaper: http://greenbit.in/assets/images/GREENBIT%20WHITEPAPER%201.1.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3273833.msg34130003#msg34130003
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/G0DNf0UuWVvKv3JPxhSrww
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Greenbit/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Greenbitblockchain/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Greenbit3?lang=en
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